The Truth About Being 17 Weeks Pregnant

Now a significant development is taking place in your baby�s body In this particular stage, your baby is going through a rapid development. It is a close time of your delivery. During this specific period of time, different changes are occurring in your body and body of your baby both and this particular time is called as the 17th week�s pregnant symptoms.

17 weeks pregnant belly

It is a changing phase because skeleton of your baby keeps changing. This is the reason why your belly is growing now. It changes the centre of gravity in your body also. You may experience a little body imbalance in this time. It is very natural that you are experiencing an unsteadiness on your feet and that is why you should take proper care of your health and always be careful when you are doing the daily activities. In order to avoid the risk of falling, it is very important to take a proper care. Always wear low heeled shoe. It is a true fact that a turn on the ground can be proved to be a very dangerous fact for you and your baby both. Don�t be casual when you are in a car. When you are in car, you must buckle up yourself properly.

17 weeks pregnant belly
Now your baby is taking the proper human body formation and no more the body formation is like an alien. In this time, soft cartilage skeleton is converted into bones. Due to this fact, the body weight of your baby is also increased and it weighs near about 5 ounces. The length is also gained by 5 inches.
Now your baby can move his joints and can move throughout your body very easily. This is the time when your baby starts moving his joints and can continue moving throughout the body. Your baby can hear things from this time..

There are many medical experts believe in a common thing and that is nothing but a power of touch. Your baby can really feel a lot of warmth and security just by your calm touch.

A soft music could be a good option. The baby will have a response to this. It is likely to relax your baby. The above are some of the significant experiences you will get from being 17 weeks pregnant.
17 weeks pregnant